Drain Care for Pet Owners

Sometimes the surgical placement of drains is necessary to allow infectious material to drain. When a cloth drain is placed, it requires care at least twice a day, to make sure that the draining site is clean, open, and protected. Watch the video and read the steps below to prepare for your pet’s at-home drain care.

Step 1: cleanse the drain area by gently scrubbing with Chlorhexadine scrubs - which will be provided to you after your pet’s drain placement procedure

Step 2: wipe away excess scrub with a water-dampened towel or gauze - or rinse gently with running water

Step 3: gently tug on each end of the drain, to ensure that drain is mobile. Sometimes, a scab begins to form and this process takes slightly more force. As long as you are tugging sideways at the openings in the skin, rather than pulling the drain straight out away from the body, you do not risk tearing the drain site. If your drain becomes stuck, a scab has formed or the skin has healed around the drain, the infectious fluid or pus under the skin will not be able to drain, and the abscess will not heal, or a new abscess or draining tract may form

Step 4: once you have made sure your drains are clean and mobile, apply triple antibiotic ointment (regular Neosporin) to each open drain site

Step 5: reward your pet with his or her favorite treat! Drain care is nobody’s favorite pastime, but it is necessary for abscesses to heal.